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Vlogs Reference:

This page is focus on many different vlogs based on their true story, opinion, discrimination and narrative as Black Deaf person.

For Black Deaf person only, if you wish you to submit your vlog here? Please send an email and link to your vlog.

My Blackish Brain Vol.3
Blackish Brain

My Blackish Brain Vol.3

My Blackish Brain Vol.3: What does the dismantling the systemic racism mean to you? ID: Black Male with a short tan buttoned shirt. I was standing behind the blue background. For 2x speed video control: Video Summary: Disclaimer: this is not academic research or scholarly video but based on my many years as a black Deaf person Today's topic will be focusing on What does the dismantling the systemic racism mean to you? The progress of addressing the White supremacy and racism comes in three stages of development: Listening, Unpacking, and dismantling. Listening usually to hear what Black shared about their experiences of how racism impacted their lives via SM, panel discussion, and one to one meetings. Set up ground rules for brave conversation. Be prepared to be hurt. Unpacking the White Privilege group conversation discussing your unintentional or intentional actions toward Black/BIPOC people. Must spelling out the situations and examples of the conflicts that you have done cause harm. Exposing yourself in a vulnerable way, transparent and authentic to acknowledge the problem, never hurts to ask for help with the solution. Dismantling systemic racism is most challenging for all; why? I will use diet as a companion for the anti-racist journey: Doctor warning/reading articles/discussing your struggles with foods/ revamped shopping and cooking. Explain how hard dismantling racism Housebuilder relying on cheap labor for two reasons: Maximize the profits or make the house affordable for buyers What on labors' expenses? Lack of liveable wages, no health insurance, stable job? Here's the example of how the imbalance between privileged and non-privileged has some impact on equity. To foster the equity for all, must dismantle the system requires the privileges to sacrifice the benefits they have earned through years. For example, Willingness to pay the living wages with health insurance leads to higher housing prices or a reduction in the business's profit margins. Are they willing to do? Probably not. That's why dismantling systemic racism is arduous work! When you are ready to start discussing dismantling the systematic racism, you need to talk about your Willingness to sacrifice for the equitable Deaf community.
Sheryl Emery


Greetings from Colorado! Like many of you, I was surprised when Gallaudet announced Dr Anderson had been appointed as President of the Board of Trustees. I decided to give myself a few days to digest what I know and to share my thoughts before going public. Like many of you I have great respect for Dr. Anderson and his accomplishments, but I also acknowledge I am human. I am a human with flaws, I am not perfect. I have a full range of emotions. I feel surprised, I feel joy, I feel blessed, and happiness. On the flip side; I feel sadness anger, I feel betrayal, I feel depressed. Theses are the emotions that make us human. I’ve heard people this week say, they were happy, hopeful, hurt, shocked, betrayed and angry. You are human. The Black community is diverse. We are not all going to feel exactly the same. The announcement left me feeling puzzled, angry and determined. Was I completely shocked? No. Puzzled yes. I had felt for weeks Gallaudet was going to approach members of the Black Deaf Community. In fact as some of you have seen on TPV I myself was approached. I believe I was eliminated in the process due to being outspoken and an independent thinker. I knew Gallaudet would go shopping for someone more laidback and moderate. On racism I will never bend. As Dr. King said in his Letter from a Birmingham Jail, “justice too long delayed is justice denied”. My being puzzled came from the person being Dr. Anderson. This is where my being human steps in. Gallaudet has screwed him over once. He should have been the President long ago. Racism definitely played a part in his not being appointed during Gallaudet’s second protest. The human me would have said; ‘I’m out of here ! figure this one out yourself “. My first thought was this is like Obama going to work for Trump. My mom would have said “They got more nerve than a wisdom tooth!” My anger comes from the very calculated and manipulated actions to appoint him and the seemingly innocuous way of announcing the renewal of President Cordano’s contract at same time. The fact is the contract was done before Dr. Anderson came on board. My determination comes from making sure this does not become an issue about Dr. Anderson. It is and remains an issue about race, discrimination, and oppression. As much faith as I have in Dr. Anderson the climate at Gallaudet will not change without 100% investment and commitment of Gallaudet’s leadership to change. For now Gallaudet May feel they scored. Until things change there are no winners. I hope and pray Gallaudet appreciates Dr. Anderson and does not continue to use black bodies as a shield for racism. Thank you for watching! Sheryl Emery
Start With YOU!
White people need to stop call out on white peoples
Roy Jones

White people need to stop call out on white peoples

It ain’t your platforms! Transcription Roy Jones in green tank top. Hello. I had so many thoughts running through my mind. It’s really long list. I have to make many different blogs about my thoughts. There were several of great importance and I had to create vlogs to ensure I won’t forget, adding more vlogs and it’s a lot to do. This specific vlog I’m doing, I have to say this. I noticed POC vocalizing what they saw and call out people of white privileges. Calling out to stop, and to take actions, and to end discriminations. Calling all of them to wake up. Making sure enough is enough. That is what POC can do, black, their platform to call out racists. Now for all of you white people, all of you have no right to call out other white people out. Nope. You are just white people on equal level with other white people. Big no. White people and POC? POC are oppressed, they can call out to white people because it’s not fair to POC. That’s their rights. You white people just stand by and LOOK, see what is going on and see how white people are called out. Then white people can talk to these called out, to ask them if they will change or not. Sharing members of POC’s message, to reflect their concerns, make correct comments. To ensure their feelings are validated, but for white people looking to call out other white people who used to be oppressor is not their job. It is WHITE people who had history of behaviors that leads to oppression of POC, that is racism. Skin colored is different from whites. As for hearing and deaf, deaf get oppressed, that is audism which is other different issue of oppression. This is about racism, black color. We have many disasters going on so we have Black Live Matters, our rights are not equals yet! We worked hard to get that privileges white people have had. But now you white people? Calling out other people on different issues, making it difficult, influencing more distractions, it takes away our powers and our voices. Forcing more of white people adding on calling out to more white powers losing the purpose of our movement, this need to stop! FINISH. Leave POC alone to do their things, let black call out by themselves. You white people needs to sit down and be quiet! That’s it. Sit, watch, and LISTEN. You know that you white person, you call out white person for racism and you are white person. It makes you racist in that scenario. You abused our community by getting out of way preserving your own white privileges by calling out racism to other people do focus won’t be on you anywhere. You wouldn’t see what your actions does to others because you were busy distracting others and not paying attention to yourself. Deep inside yourself, you have had history of racism. You don’t know because you were not allowing yourself to be called out by pointing to other whites. You can’t see, you aren’t analyzing. Once you call other white person out, you are racist. Finish, sit down and analyze yourself. Let all of us and others take care of this. Got it?
HEARD COVID 19 UPDATES  6/29/20-7/3/20

HEARD COVID 19 UPDATES 6/29/20-7/3/20

Helping Educate to Advance the Rights of Deaf Communities - HEARD VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Malik Morris, a Black Indigenous man with long natural hair slicked back into an afro puff ponytail. He stands in front of a reddish concrete wall while wearing a bold yellow short shirt with a black magnetic bracelet and signing. He signs in Black ASL. **opening credits** Title: HEARD COVID-19 updates: 6/29/20-7/3/20 @behearddc Hello again! This vlog is a continuation from our previous vlogs about COVID-19 in jails, prisons, and other incarceration facilities. We want to share an update with all of you about what’s going on right now in those buildings for deaf/disabled/blind/immigrants +imprisoned people who are still experiencing human and civil rights violations. There is a lot going on with protests and police violence. HEARD wants to ask you not to forget our imprisoned people are still suffering. HEARD is still collecting reports from imprisoned community members, their families and advocates. We also are still working with many different organizations/advocates to support deaf/disabled/blind people in prison, jail, mental health facilities, immigration detention nationwide during this pandemic. As we shared in the last vlog, covid-19 testing and data is still not %100 percent accurate. From the best information available, we know that covid cases in incarceration facilities has increased by 73% percent-- resulting in over 600 COVID-19 related deaths. According to that data, based on our previous vlog from 8,500 to now 48,764 incarcerated people and from 3,276 to now 10,342 staff people have tested positive but now since mid-may. Numbers continue to rise and many organizations, including HEARD are still engaged in non-stop advocacy to support and free incarcerated people. Many deaf/disabled/blind Inmates still don't know or aren't aware of covid-19 to this day. For example, our team today was on a call with one deafdisabled person jailed in the South. This person did not have a mask on and could not explain what covid was. Incarcerated people in this facility are not wearing masks at all but the staff are wearing masks. Even more shocking, the person mentioned no interpreters before having been given some type of medicine a couple months ago. The person said they believed this medicine block/prevents COVID. Of course we know there is not yet any COVID vaccine. At a prison in another state, we spoke with a person who said that they started receiving the masks and other PPE to protect themselves from coronavirus just three weeks ago. We had to fill him in the information that he needs to know so he can pass it to other inmates about this information. This is the conditions in our jails and prisons. To the community, here’s a few ways you can help: Put pressure on the leaders of the states, jails, prisons, immigration, ID/DD facilities and psych facilities, to use their power to release our community members who are incarcerated in prisons and other kinds of facilities with social services and resources. Call, email and tweet to governors, prosecutors, sheriffs and county commissioners and city council members. Donate to grassroots advocacy groups fighting to protect and support incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people during COVID-19 such as V.O.T.E. (Louisiana), All of Us or None, National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls ,Release Aging People From Prison (RAPP), and of course HEARD! Join the movements, share information with friends and family, and do everything you can to save and protect our beloved community members! Stay tuned, more vlogs will be coming on COVID and our incarcerated communities and their loved ones. (transition) **Shown the CSD’s template announcement video for a couple of secs** (transition) **end credits**
Deaf Karen...
Datrell Scott

Deaf Karen...

*transcript* black dude with afro in gray shirt and white woman with pink shirt C: I don't care if yall hate me, I have been thinking whether I should join ALM or BLM, I think I should join ALM! D: you are saying ALM and BLM are just like football teams? Ah interesting C: BLM stands for Black Liar Matters! All of this is a lie! D: So you are saying that black people, media, and police officers agreed to fake the shooting and death while media exposuring it to the public in order to make people angry? Interesting philosophy... C: *shakes head in disbelief* D: *copies* C: Why would you want to destroy your heritage??? D: how are we destroying our heritage? over 400 years, we have finally stand up for something, yet you said we are destroying our heritage??? C: Black people are destroying Abraham Lincoln, he is against slavery, yet y'all are trying to destroy him! D: hold up, how is Abraham Lincoln is involved? I don't see any one of us trying to destroy his statue in DC? C: *signs Riverside* D: that's not how you say Republican, you are making Riverside looks bad C: *facial expression* D: *copies* C: even worse MLK! yall are destroying him too! D: Where??? where do you see us destroying MLK statue? evidence, evidence, evidence! C: yall are getting worse worse worse worse! D: your IQ is getting worse worse worse C: MLK worked so hard preaching yall! D: MLK preached black people AND white people, honestly your IQ is getting worse worse worse C: BLM stands for bullshit! BLM stands for Black Liars Matter! D: *sarcasm* ya ya you right you right you right C: and yall white people who support black people SMH *rests head* D: So you saying you're angry about white people supporting BLM? really? *head rests* C: education is a big issue!!!!! D: I agree with you! People like you need a fucking education!!!! C: SMH shame on you!!! D: SMH shame on you! C: you are really expert expert expert D: expert expert at making vlog like this and spread all over the nation C: yall are so CHAMP! have fun and you're welcome!...
Call out NTID/RIT Part 2 of 2
Franly Ulerio

Call out NTID/RIT Part 2 of 2

Institutional Racism, a kind of systemic violence, in the College of Transcript: Everyone congratulated them and I hoped that their awards would show that their positions are so important to keep. Nope. They shut down the position. The administrative team did not care. They don’t care about diversity and inclusion in SLT. They closed the assistant director position first. Here is the story behind this. The assistant director used to be the advisor for the Ebony Club (EC), a fully Black Deaf organization/club. EC wrote up 6 demands and sent it to the administration. The EC advisor, a white man, joined them to give them perspectives and act as a sounding board for ideas. The Ebony Club executive board was the one who wrote the demands and worked on clarifying the language. The advisor just worked to support that. For some reason, the administrative team found out that that person was the EC advisor and closed that position as a retaliation, not hiring that person again. That completely threw me and students off. We were extremely upset that they closed the position. We needed that position! That position is critically needed, their services and responsibilities are needed. When they cut that off, it threw off so much. To be clear, I know that the administration said they closed it because of financial issues, which is not true. NSC at that time was led by white LGBTQIA students. Those NSC leaders had a dialogue with the administration and made it clear that money is not the issue here. They lied when they blamed it on financial issues. Its not true, simple as that. SLT was struggling with money and understaffs, and they know they need to expand, period. That is when the 2-year position was opened, as a way to pat our heads and hands, to shut us up. Did they plan to keep that position after two years? Not at all. So now, both positions are closed. The system became unstable and unhealthy. After the two year position was closed, they reopened the assistant director position and hired a white person with a PhD. He had no knowledge of community-based leadership. They took that position and shut the wall between them and the community. Many students objected and put in complaints. I don’t need to expand on it further, it is done. We are not satisfied with the current assistant director. Who is their supervisor? NTID administrators, especially VP of Student Affairs and Academic Services. That woman, white woman, allowed that kind of behavior to happen. We’ve already seen clear examples of racism. Any support is quickly cut off and diminished. They control our lives, our voices, our movement, our beliefs. They are aggressively controlling. Now I will move on to another topic. I will talk about my current experiences. When I was president, my NSC VP was a white man. He had an idea to change community structures, and the idea was to label groups. For example, ALANA means race, such as Latinx, Asian, Indigenous, Black people, etc. He wanted to lump them all together and give them one vote. Before they could vote as individual organizations, getting one vote each. He wanted to change that. I stepped in and did not permit that to happen. I knew it would cause many problems and reduce accessibility and would increase miscommunication. I have seen racist systems pit together groups to cause more problems. When I said no to this idea, it became more hostile for me. It got to the point where I did not feel safe. He had to leave. We had to heal and fix this mess. Thats why the community meetings name is NTID Student Congress Assembly (NSCA) was not entirely supported by both of NTID community members and club representatives. There was a lot of missing information. A lot of ownership problems and ego mentality. How did this come up? It goes back to the administrative team, the same three administrators I mentioned before. They loved the idea and the VP of Student and Academic Service, white woman, fully supported it. She went to Student Government calling to change the structure of my community meetings. Does SG know about my community? Absolutely nothing. SG, NSC VP, and the VP of Student and Academic Service had that dialogue without me. I told NSC VP that I said no to this idea. He decided not to tell SG that I said no. They went on without me. When I arrived to the meeting, my NSC VP was not there and when I told them that I said no to this idea, they were shocked and disappointed. It was a huge mess, very bad. The NSCA name was wrong, it used to be called NSA, NTID Student Assembly. This was originally set up by the community, with no influence from the administration, and no influence from SG. The NTID Deaf community decided on this. In this situation, it was not the same. It was not fair. They wanted to show that community meetings are owned and are operated under NSC. It is impossible for them to be structured like that. They must share authority, communicate with each other equally. One cannot control the other. They are like a life force, a breathing living thing, that must share and live together, period. The same concept applies to the Student Life Team department. SLT cannot overtake NSC, and NSC cannot dictate and punish SLT. Both departments must work together. Why? Both of them share resources. Once both have built a stronger relationship, it will become more healthy. Then they can succeed together. If the SLT department is ineffective, then NSC will be struggling. Is that clear? So back to that situation, when the administrators found out- I will back up. As NSC president, working my VP, we can often talk with the VP of Student and Academic Service alone or with other people on either side. When my NSC VP left, I remain stand with my voice and beliefs. I knew I wouldn’t back down, I would keep going. After the administrators found out about that, VP of Student and Academic Service never met with me alone. She always had more than two people to meet with me in the room. Occasionally I would bring in NTID Senator and NSC director of Academic Affairs. But most of the time I would butt heads with the HR lawyer person. Keep in mind, I was only 24 years old and a college student. They treated me as if I was a lawyer myself. That’s how I feel battling with them. It was an ongoing hostility for me. That interaction was no good. It got to a point where enough was enough. I was done. The only witnesses of this were NSC advisors, the director of diversity and inclusion saw this happening too. The director of diversity and inclusion are not here too. They already saw this. It is very concerning and very frightening. That is why the current SLT team is not healthy and not stable. Why? They are choked. They cannot breathe. They cannot get support from the administrators because they are against each other. That is institutional racism. That impacts students of color the most. Back then, the population was majority white, but now it is changing to be more diverse and healthier. But the admin wants to spite that and suppress it. Hiring clueless people, closing positions, weakens SLT’s ability to support all students’ needs. The SLT team already knows they need more staff, but they are controlled by the administrative team. It is hostile for SLT too. That is my perspective.
Call out NTID/RIT Part 1 of 2
Franly Ulerio

Call out NTID/RIT Part 1 of 2

Transcript: Hello, my name is Franly, here is my sign name. Some people know me as (different sign name), because it is an old sign name. I am ok with both sign names. I want to talk about institutional racism in the College of NTID and RIT. Both, yes. Before I begin, I want to acknowledge and be aware that there has been a lot of false information spreading. Often, those are lacking information, and students and people perceive half of the information, and there are no other perspectives provided. Who spreads that information? NTID administrators, faculty & staff, students, and alumni. Those 4 groups of people reinforce institutional racism. I want to be clear: those situations you’ve heard about are typically not true, and there are a lot of misconceptions that are causing confusion and stickiness. It is difficult to address that. That chaos is becoming more violent. It is at the point where trust has been broken at many levels, between me and other white students who hold positions. There is a lot of hidden information that the community doesn’t know. I am choosing not to share because it is not my goal to expose each individual. I am not going to be a part of hunting for others, holding others accountable. Why? That hunt is a part of institutional racism. They are playing us against each other. I want to be clear about where I stand. So now, I want to expand on my background. I served in several different leadership positions. First, I was NTID Student Assembly (NSA) speaker and ran community meetings. Second, I became involved with Latin American Deaf Club, LADC. I also was the student advisor for NTID Student Congress. Lastly, I was also the president of NSC, NTID Student Congress. Those 4 positions plus my job experience. I served on the Student Life Team, SLT. If you don’t know them, you can look at their website. I served one year, but with two different job titles. Each semester was a different title. I also worked as an ambassador, leading tours for prospective students who were curious about the RIT campus and what it looks like, what NTID looks like. That was one of my jobs. I’ve won many awards from community votes. One award, the NTID administration, academic chairperson from different departments voted to pick me as an NTID delegate for RIT’s graduation ceremony in 2015. This is important because RIT has a total of 9 colleges, and their delegates represent them on stage. The NTID delegate, who was me, sits in front of the RIT graduation crows, over 3,000 people, deaf and hearing people mixed. Those people will see the delegates on stage, and each delegate gave a speech on behalf of their college. This meant I gave a speech during the NTID graduation ceremony only. I also forgot to mention that I have also served for Student Government, SG, as a NTID senator. My role focused on the college of NTID as a whole, and any issues within, academic issues, teachers, academic committees, etc. I participated with that and also made sure that NTID had access to other RIT courses by working with senators who represented other colleges.
3 Black Slavery Era

3 Black Slavery Era

Transcript: I’ll go ahead make this vlog. I hope this vlog will help you to understand what is the scope of this America. Again, I must emphasis that the riot, property damage and violence is not the main problem in America… I will explain why. ��First, you need to understand the history. Once, you do. You’ll realize why they actually HAD to do it. Frankly, to be honest… All of that incident is literally at last resort. They all already went all of progress and still unsuccessful. So, they HAD to do it. In the history, we have 3 Black slavery era. Right now, we are at 3rd era. ��1st era was when the Black people were brought in the shop arrived America in 1700’s. During that era, Black people were suffering to serve as slave under white people. They have been manhandle, rape, control the Black people’s life. They even raped them in front of their children too. The Black people have been endure over the abuse from the white people for years until President Abraham Lincoln had to signed the executive order to end and free all Black people from the white people. So, the white people is no longer own them. Finally the 1st era of Black slavery is over. So, the white people had to figure out how to keep them in tab. 2nd era was when the white people decided to set up the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) to intimidate the Black people. They put a fire on their house, put fire on the cross in front of their house. Threw stuff at them. They torturing them including put them in separate school, drinking water area, etc.. We have been enduring all of the bullies from the white people. They didn’t have the rights to vote. Black people were not allowed to. White people have been minimizing us from access to anything. We have been suffering all of that. We tried to fight over this issue. So, the civil rights movement including Martin King Jr, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, and others to fight and to prevail the access for Black people. President Lyndon Johnson have signed the Civil Rights into law and enable the Black people to vote. It puts the white people under jeopardy with their election. So, the 2nd era was over. At this modern era, we are at 3rd era right now… Since, the KKK is dying, white people have to figure out about this. So, they come up with an idea how to continue bullying the black people. The white people is using “ LAW “ including police/court to against the black people. White people already knew that black people can’t follow the law. So, white people are using the police force to take action against Black people. The police has been on the agenda to bring Black people into jail. There have been major mass incarceration in the jail/prison. They have been making a lot of profitable from us. It has been the job for the police to bring the black people to the jail. In the Black community, they do not have good education school, poverty family, government doesn’t funding them well. They usually give a good fund to the white people in their own cities. Many poverty cities including Detroit, Michigan which discourage Black people from growing. Their children are suffering from it. With lacking of support system, Black people are consistent to break the law. The police force have been increase for years which is result in police brutality including killing the Black people. So, all of you white people have been enabling to this behave by criticizing the Black people for breaking the law. They have been enduring through this situation… We are still battling with this 3rd Black slavery era, many Black people were sent to the jail. They also get killed by the police brutal. So, police have been killing them everyday as their daily job. There is no remorse in this situation since the police is in action of above the law. We, Black people have been trying dialogue with the police and court system to change. They still unwilling to do it. This ongoing problem for years since MLK’s era. Now, you’re asking us not to do riot, property damage and violence but to be patience and keep open dialogue. We have been enduring all of this pain. The law still acquire the police for killing the Black people. The police have been get away with the murders. So, we the Black people are fed up. We are at the point. We have reached our patience. So, riot is the last resort… We are sending a clear message. Enough is enough.. The police brutality is not acceptable anymore. The law must be changed. It could be adjust fit to have minority rule including having Black judge, Black police officers to deal with the Black people. The law must find a way to adapt fit in for Black people. The 3rd era of Black slavery could have over. So, this is where we are struggling right now. So, please studying more about 1st and 2nd era. Did you ever learn from their mistake? We are repeating the same mistake with this 3rd era right now. Also, don’t ever criticize the Black people for their wrongdoing because they have been enduring all of this shit for whole of their life. We are tired and sick of white people always been in position to defending the police. Just need to stop right there! Enough is enough… I hope this would help you to understand what is going on with Riot in America right now. They are literally fed up! So much pain, nobody heard the black people.. This is telling you what? This must be change, right? If you agree about this, we must working together in unity and fight against the law. We must change the law including reduce the police force and their controlling too. To ensure that the police shall serve the safety of people. We all must feel safety…��To be honest with you, every time the police pull over my car. My heart always racing so fast because I’m worrying about my life. I wonder if I would ever continue to live? The police can just shooting me randomly whatever they want because I’m the fucking black male. I’ve been scared for my life. So, I can related my pain to all of other black people. �You didn’t have to experience this at all because you’re white. It’s so easy for you since you’re living different from us.
Miki's 1st Vlog
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